How to Teach Your Dog to Trade Items With You

teach your dog to trade items

Your dog just grabbed your favorite pair of shoes—again. But instead of chasing them around the house or risking a tug-of-war over the object, what if they willingly traded it for a treat? Teaching your dog to trade items with you is more than just convenient; it’s an essential skill for safety and building trust. […]

What Does Heel Mean in Dog Training?

heel mean in dog training

Walking your dog is more than just a daily routine; it’s a fundamental part of building a strong relationship and ensuring their safety. One of the key behaviors that can enhance your walks is teaching your dog to heel. But what does heel mean in dog training? Let’s explore this essential skill, why it’s important, […]

What is the Difference Between Balanced Training & Force Free?

balanced training & force free

Dogs are as unique as the training methods tailored for them. Whether you lean towards balanced training or prefer the force-free route, understanding these popular approaches is crucial in selecting the best method for your furry companion. Let’s explore what sets these two styles apart and find out which might be the most beneficial for […]

Why Should I Get My Dog Trained?

dog trained

Dog training is more than just teaching your dog to sit, stay, or roll over. It’s about establishing a robust communication system with your furry friend, one that is rooted in science and mutual understanding. Let’s explore the numerous reasons why getting your dog trained is essential for a happy and harmonious life together. Why […]

How Often and How Long Should I Train My Dog?

how long should i train my dog

Training your dog is a fulfilling endeavor, but determining the right frequency and duration can be challenging. At KC Dawgz, we emphasize the importance of recognizing your dog’s individual needs and incorporating training sessions seamlessly into your daily routine. Let’s explore the best practices for training your dog, ensuring you maximize the time spent together […]

How Do You Train a Dog to Stop Scratching Doors?

train a dog to stop scratching doors

Dogs often learn that scratching at the door gets them what they want, much like begging for food. This behavior can be reinforced unintentionally, leading to issues with routine and safety. At KC Dawgz, we emphasize teaching a strong “wait” command and establishing a consistent potty routine to address this problem effectively. We’re here to […]

How Do I Stop My Dog from Begging for Food at the Table?

stop my dog from begging

Many dog owners struggle with their dogs begging for food at the table, drawn in by those irresistible puppy eyes every mealtime. Nevertheless, with the appropriate strategies, this common issue can be resolved effectively. At KC Dawgz, we offer proven methods to help you prevent your dog from pleading for food while you eat. How […]

How Do You Train Your Dog to Wait for Food?

train your dog to wait

Training your dog to wait is an essential part of establishing control and trust. At KC Dawgz, we employ the “wait” command to teach dogs to stop and check in. This command is vital for various situations, such as waiting for food, waiting at the door, or waiting before crossing the street. It’s not just […]

How Do You Prepare a Medium-Sized Dog for Air Travel?

prepare a medium-sized dog

Traveling with our furry companions can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires careful planning and preparation. If you’re looking to take your medium-sized dog on an airplane, there are several key steps you need to follow to ensure a smooth and stress-free journey. Let’s explore the details of how to prepare a medium-sized […]

How Do You Stop a Dog from Digging Holes in the Yard?

stop a dog from digging holes

Are you tired of your backyard looking like a minefield? Every dog owner knows the frustration of spotting yet another hole dug by their beloved furry friend. Training a dog to stop digging holes in your yard may seem challenging, but with the right strategies, it’s entirely achievable. Whether your dog is bored, following their […]