Dealing with Dog Depression,

Sad dog waiting on the floor dog training

Dog depression is quite similar to how we humans experience it. There are many ways to identify people who are depressed. Some may suddenly stop eating – others may eat all the time. They cry more often, and that too, unexpectedly. Depressed people also withdraw from life in general. And that’s precisely how dogs behave […]

Boredom Buster Ideas For Your Dog

Ideas to Keep Your Dog Entertained

Your dog, just like any human, can get bored of sitting at home with nothing to do. It’s understandable; you’re busy with the activities of daily life – going to school, to work, to meet your friends, and to eat out. However, during this time, your dog is home for the better part of all […]

Fun Ways To Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday

Dog in a birthday hat with a birthday cake in front of him Birthday Celebrations for Your Dog

Is your dog’s birthday coming up? Planning a birthday party for your dog can be so exciting for you and your dog. Your doggie is such a good boy, and he deserves a nice birthday party complete with gifts and cakes. If you want to throw your dog the perfect birthday party and make his […]

How To Make Bath Time Easy And Fun For Your Dog

Beautiful Chihuahua sitting in a bathtub with shampoo on its head Bath Time – Stressful or Playful?

Giving your doggie a bath is an unpleasant chore for both you and your dog. While you struggle to get them in the tub, they struggle to get out. You know that bathing and grooming your dog is necessary for their well-being, but they consider bath time to be a form of torture that you’re […]

Reasons Why Playtime Is Important For Your Dog

Why Playtime Is Crucial for Your Dog

Dogs are energetic creatures. They are always looking for someone to play with and can’t get enough of their playtime. Be it jumping over obstacles, fetching a ball, or chasing a squirrel to its home, dogs are ever-lively, bounding across the open lawn, full of life. This is why dogs are considered such fun company. […]

Dog Parks: Safety Considerations

Safety Considerations

Before you head to your local dog park, you need to make sure that your trip to the park will be a safe one. Follow the below tips to ensure that this is the case. 1. Length of time You’ve probably experienced an overtired child when something that was funny soon turns to tears and […]

Raw Food Diets for Dogs

Raw Food

What is the raw food diet? The raw food diet emphasizes eating raw bones, meat and fruits, and vegetables. This may include: – Whole or ground bones – Muscle meat which is on the bone – Organic meats i.e. kidney or liver – Vegetables such as celery, spinach or broccoli. – Raw eggs – Dairy […]

Considerations for Dog Safety in Cold Weather

Cold Weather

Now that the weather has changed, we need to make sure that our dogs are ready for the winter months too. Below we will highlight some tips for you to consider so that you can make sure you avoid any potential winter hazards and your dog remains warm and safe. Keeping your dog warm Before […]

Travelling with your Dog

Travelling with your Dog

It’s perfectly normal to want to take your dog with you when you go away, after all, your dog is a part of your family. These days it’s easy to find a vacation package to suit your dog as many people choose to take their dog on vacation with them. However, if you have a […]

What to do with an Overweight Dog

Overweight Dog

What to do with an Overweight Dog   Health issues are more common in dogs that are overweight such as heart disease, diabetes, issues related to the immune system and some cancers. If your dog is overweight then you need to do something about it and put your dog on a diet. We will provide […]