Excessive Barking

Excessive Dog Barking

Barking is an important form of communication. Dogs bark as a way to ‘talk’ with other dogs and communicate with us. In your house, your dog uses his super-sensitive awareness, hearing, sense of smell…to alert the pack of possible danger. At the same time, barking serves the purpose of telling the intruder they’ve been noticed. […]

Protective Dog

Protective Dog

If your dog is behaving aggressively, it seems the right thing to do would be to scold him when he is barking or lunging. However, ANY attention coming from his family might actually reward him! Raising your voice and scolding him might be misunderstood as your approval. He could think you are also upset at […]

Top 5 Boredom Busters

top 5 boredom busters for your dog

Start working on fun new trick! Some classics include: Play dead, roll over, shake, or high-five. Want something a little more advanced? Turn that high-five into a wave so your dog can wave hello to all his friends. Get a puzzle toy! Your local pet store, Amazon, Chewy, the options are endless for a place […]

The Importance of Exercise

Dog Exercise

We all know the importance of dog exercise, but did you know that dogs need mental exercise just as much? Many problem behaviors like digging and chewing arise from a combination of boredom and energy. Just like us, when our dogs get bored they will try to find a way to relieve that boredom. Usually, […]

Proper Socialization for your Puppy:

Socialize a Puppy

We all know that puppy socialization is a critical step toward having a well-behaved and happy dog. With things like dog parks, doggie daycare, and so many pet-friendly stores it seems like the options are endless. While all of these can be great ways to expose your dog to new dogs and people, there are […]

The “Place” command and why we love it

place command for dogs

Life at home gets crazy sometimes, and you can’t always have an extra eye on your pup. Maybe you don’t want to relegate them to a crate all of the time, but you aren’t crazy about leaving them to their imagination around the house. This is where “Place” comes in. A Place can be anything […]

Dog Friendly Stores

Kc dawgz Dog Friendly Stores in Kansas City

Tired of the same old training routine? Looking for something different than the usual walk around the block? Why not take a shopping trip with your dog? Kansas City has more dog-friendly stores than you might think. Your trip with your four-legged friend isn’t limited to the pet store. Taking your dog out into new […]

Nose Work Training: The Fun Way to Keep Your Dog’s Focus

nose work training for dogs

Have you ever experienced that lackadaisical, tiresome lull of summer vacation? It might be nice to be stress-free at first, but you eventually begin to crave mental stimulation and physical activity when you start to feel fuzzy around the edges. Being engaged mentally and physically naturally keeps us focused and sharp. The same goes for […]

Puppy Classes for Puppies -What are the Benefits?

puppy training classes

A lot of new puppy owners will have differing opinions about whether puppy class is right for their new puppy. Unless you have plenty of time on your hands and can spend nearly every moment of your free time with your puppy pal in her first year in the world, you and your puppy need […]